SNEIADA/MIADA is the only trade association in the Southern New England region that puts the dealer and our industry first.
Your dealer association fights for your rights to operate in your specific state. No matter what state you operate in, the National Association that we are affiliated with fights for your rights on Capitol Hill. Our National PAC fund supports legislators that champion our businesses. Over the years, NIADA has fought bad legislation and defeated many bills that would have a negative effect on your businesses. The FTC, CFPB and legislators file bills every year that would have a negative effect on your business. Your dues help support these efforts.
CONTRIBUTE TO THE NIADA PAC FUNDIf you do not have a seat at the table, you will be on the menu!
MIADA has been your voice on Beacon Hill. Over the years we have been on the front lines to Champion for Independent Automobile dealers and the issues that affect their businesses. MIADA has filed legislation that has helped our dealers operate. Some of these and the rules we were able to get changed include:
As the foremost advocate in the used automotive sector, we champion the interests of independent auto dealers. We tackle the intricate and pressing regulatory matters at both federal and state levels, striving to overcome barriers that impede job creation, dealership growth, and profitability optimization within our industry.
(At left) State directors and associates from across the United States meeting annually in Washington to advocate and protect the rights of independent auto dealers.